“I defend all forms of orality to develop language, and all forms of orality also articulated in the teaching of writing”
Carla Marques and João Pedro Aido interview Joaquim Dolz
The main objective of this interview was to address issues considered essential for defining axes of reflection within the scope of oral teaching. The interviewee is Joaquim Dolz, an eminent professor, researcher and thinker. He worked for many years at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, where he was responsible for teacher training and chairs in the area of language teaching. He is responsible for the GRAFE-FORENDIF group (Recherche pour l’ Analysis du Français Enseigné et Formation des Enseignants en Didactique du Français). Joaquim Dolz has a very wide range of publications in the field of pedagogy and language teaching, particularly oral language. Of his production, the seminal work Pour un enseignement de l’ oral: initiation aux genres formels à l’ école (ESF éditeur) stands out, which contributed indelibly to a new perspective on oral didactics based on textual genres.